Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Its a Snow Day...W Africa style

got the call early this morning - thought it was a medical emergency. but i was told the embassy wouldn't be opening on time and the school bus wasn't running. Snow Day right. oh wait, there is no snow in Ouagadougou.  As it turns out there was shooting in town last night by local military (almost entirely up into the air). It spread all the way to our neighborhood - which as i have previously complained about, is a ways out of the center of town.  it lasted for hours. everything is calm now in the light of day. We went into work at 10am. lucky Otto, he got the whole day off (and spent it at his buddies house).

Our very able security folks (one from Oregon of course) are monitoring the situation - everyone was sent home a little early today and we have a dusk to dawn curfew. all sounds reasonable and good. Otto and i will watch a good movie or play some flux (a new great game his dad sent us). Likely life will go back to normal tomorrow.

If you hear news...don't worry. Journalists have to make a good story out of a not terribly interesting, politically mild place.  And in light of all that is currently going on in the world, this is a small blip.

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