Monday, September 27, 2010

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

did i forget to mention where i am going with all this excitement.

I have provided a simple map of the country and of Africa so you can brush up on your geography.  you can check it out on wikipedia; you get different information by typing in both 'burkina faso' and 'ouagadougou' separately.

i have to admit, i have the most interesting city name in all of the Foreign Service. it is very often referenced by speakers because it is fun to say and sounds so exotic.  "wah-ga-doo-goo"

Flag Day

        The hour has finally arrived

 These are all the countries we are being posted to, essentially every continent is represented. And as a true American I can say that I am not sure I have ever heard of a few of the countries where my colleagues are going.

you may wonder why i have added this picture of a random specialist getting their assignment.  but THAT IS a suit, shaking hands with an ambassador.  They have obviously done their job well teaching me to be a diplomat.

It was a great day for all. The vast majority of people were quite excited about their selected posts (and I am jealous of a few, S Africa, New Delhi, Rome, Thailand, Australia I could go on an on).  Many of us went out afterwards for happy hour and people were relaxed and having a great time.  It was nice to see because the past couple of weeks have been filled with post research, homework, and just plain old exhaustion from a full day of intense content.

This is such a big step finding out our first post - it all feels that much more real.  Of course getting to post is another thing. Some will go immediate. others (like us in MED) will spend some more weeks in training.  Others will spend months in training, mainly learning the country language. But tomorrow, we will all meet together once again back in the classroom.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Big Day

Tomorrow is Flag Day - a day we have all been anxiously awaiting during our training. by 'we' i mean our generalist and specialist classes - about 160 people in all.  it is the day we find out where we are going and are presented with the flag of our post country during the Flag Day Ceremony. Friends and family will be there to cheer us on.  This will be another beginning point for many of us.  (a side note here, those of us who are part of the medical team were told a week early where we would be going. this is because we do not bid on our post, our first post is directed. i guess that is the trade off..we don't get a choice, but we find out a little earlier).  even though i know where i am going, i am still excited for the official announcement.

Although i am not a classroom person, the past couple of weeks has been full of learning.  The speakers have been of the highest caliber - experts in many fields, preparing us to work in the Foreign Service.  that is certainly one advantage to being in this select group of people.  It has been interesting to get to know some of my specialist colleagues - we are a wide range of people from different backgrounds and different specialties.  but what brings us all together is the desire to travel and be a positive voice for our country.  I am also inspired by many of my new colleagues who have done amazing things in their life and bring a wealth of insight and experience with them to the FS.

i cannot wait to hear where everyone is going!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The middle of the beginning

I think a blog is going to be the way for me to go.  i am still not so sure about the face book thing. this way you can see what i am up to and some photos and you can even tell me what you think. and the best part is that i will have it all recorded here on the blog for my grandchildren.

i feel like i am starting not so much at the beginning of this adventure, but as it is in progress. it has been a whirlwind getting me to my training in DC.  working full time, enjoying the last bits of summer with my son and preparing him as he started his 5th grade year.  all the sleepless nights worried about the pack out, where am i going, did i make the right decision?  only time will tell.

another reason i want to write this blog is to connect with other Foreign Service folks and those considering the FS. with the thought of maybe providing some information and insights into the process. i had a difficult time finding much information online about the life overseas of FS staff.

i feel like the most useful information may be what i have learned up to this point (related to getting ready for the big change in jobs). it is a huge leap to pack all of your belongings (HHE, UAB, long term storage... even the terms are all foreign), without knowing where you will be posted, quit your good job (in my case i had an excellent job), inform your family and friends of your decision to live a completely different life style. it was exhausting and overwhelming. for me not very exciting.  the excitement will come when i land at my post (more on that in a separate posting).

I did make it though and here i am in our lovely capital, Washington DC.  so much to do and see here, it is a great place to be for 8 weeks of training.  my days are full with class time and tons of very important information - from filling out my time sheet to cross cultural communication. i do miss patient care, but one of my new colleagues has needed some medical attention, so at least i feel useful.