Now I am in Hood River, another spectacular spot which highlights the amazing beauty that surrounds us in the Pacific North West. I am staying with a friend in White Salmon, which is on the Washington side of the Columbia River. We had such a great w/e. Yesterday we hung out with another friend and did some urban hiking and shopping in Hood River - a little wine tasting thrown in. Today we did a 'real' hike at Coyote Wall and then we went down to the river to do some stand up paddle boarding (SUP). Sadly, I do not bring my camera with me when I travel to the US, so here are some images from the internet.

Hood River is a great spot about an hour east of PDX. Full of active, healthy people, but small community feel. And some good breweries...we are in the PNW after all. Close to the city (PDX) and the mountains (Mt Hood). This is high on my list of possible places to live once I retire. This is the land of kite boarding, wind surfing, biking, hiking, living the good life, etc...